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      Installation of 3D plaster panels

      Installation of 3D plaster wall panels

      • Step 1: Measure the wall (s) horizontally and vertically to determine the required number of panels.
      • Step 2: Use either a laser or spirit level to determine the perfect horizontal & vertical lines and mark as appropriate
      • Step 3: Treat both the wall surface and reverse side of panels with a deep penetration primer. If the wall is of wood, MDF or of plywood, then it is best that first coat will be a quartz primer.
      • Step 4: Using a notched trowel, apply mounting adhesive to the surface of a flat wall or to the back of the panel.
      • Step 5: Press the panel against the wall, aligning as per the marked lines. If the wall is of chipboard, plywood, or similar material it is recommended to use mounting acrylic adhesive. Installation starts from the bottom of the wall.
      • Step 6: Continue the panel installation horizontally and vertically combining the panel image symmetry. To get the effect of a solid wall, the plaster 3d panels should be mounted as close as possible to each other. In-fill the seams with plaster filler; remove any excess with a sponge. Once dry and for optimum effect sand to a smooth finish using fine grain sandpaper.
      • Step 7: If the last row does not allow for the installation of a full-size panel, it can be cut to the desired size with a saw with small teeth. If necessary, clean the edge with sandpaper or a Stanley knife.
      • Step 8: Before painting, treat the gypsum panels with a deep penetration primer.
      • Step 9: The panels can be painted with spray guns, rollers, or standard paint brush in any color with acrylic, latex, water-emulsion, or textural paint to 2 or 3 layers, depending on the quality of the paint used.
      • Step 10: It is advised not to install panels inside Shower Cubicles.